ENFF ON TOUR: Fucking Bornholm (2022)
Een groep vrienden neemt hun kinderen mee naar een traditioneel lang weekendje weg op het Deense eiland Bornholm, zoals ze dat al jaren deden. Een incident tussen de kinderen zal een nieuwe crisis in hun relatie veroorzaken. Elk stel lijkt gelukkig, maar zijn ze dat ook echt? Misschien houden ze gewoon de schone schijn op?
De film is Pools gesproken en engels ondertiteld.
A group of friends are taking their kids to a traditional long weekend getaway on the Danish island of Bornholm, just like they did for many years. An incident between the children will spark a new crisis in their relationship. Each couple seems happy, but are they really? Maybe they’re just keeping up appearances?
Regie: Anna Kazejak.
Acteurs: Agnieszka Grochowska, Maciej Stuhr en Grzegorz Damiecki.
Eastern Neighbours Film Festival was started in Utrecht 2008 by a group of friends with the aim to present to the Dutch audience the most recent, exciting films from the East and the South East European countries. These are mainly countries with a small but powerful film production. Why eastern neighbours? We feel that cinema can bring people closer to each other, make them understand each other’s culture better and deeper, give them an inside view into the mentality and history. Our aim is to bring cultures together to create more knowledge and tolerance. The Festival is not just an event with high quality cinema. It is much more than that. We have especially designed the entire festival to initiate networking and new partnerships and create unforgettable moments for every participant and cinema goer. Most of the selected films have their Dutch premiere, after being successfully screened at many film festivals worldwide.
Contactgegevens Laaktheater
Ferrandweg 4T, 2523 XT Den Haag
070 393 33 48